...new residents info.
As an introduction to some of the items that are strictly enforced and fines assessed accordingly, here are few items:
Parking & Towing:
All residents are to use their garage as their primary designated parking space and/or driveway. The garage is not to be used primarily as a storage center. Owners will be assessed $25 fine per incident wherein residents are found to not be utilizing their garage as the primary parking location for their vehicle (if more than one vehicle). Vehicles cannot be parked side-by-side or butt-to-butt (no double-parking). Additionally, cars should not be parked so as to extend out over the sidewalk, which violates the City of Vancouver’s parking ordinances (RCW 46.61.570(1)(a)(ii). The eastside of the street is a designated emergency fire lane and residents/guests/owners are not to park on this side of the street (per the red painted curbs). Parking in these designated areas may result in citations and towing at the owner’s expense. Residents/guests are not to park on the flag lots so as to block entering and exiting the flag lots. Residents/Owners who are found to be blocking ingress/egress of these areas will be assessed a $25.00 fine and may result in vehicles being towed at vehicle owners’ expense. Guests are permitted to park in the residents’ driveway, if available, as long as it is not double-parked in the driveway. Residents/guests who park on the grass on the Lot, shall be subject to $50.00 fine along with costs to restore the landscaping, which will be assessed to the Owner. Otherwise, we suggest visitors park in adjacent neighborhoods.
If additional vehicles are acquired or your current vehicle is disposed of (the one noted on your tenant contact form), resident is required to provide updated license plate information to the HOA within 30 days of acquisition or disposition.
Other noteworthy parking policies include (City of Vancouver Parking Ordinance – RCW 46.61.570(1)(a)(iii)):
Long-term parking is prohibited - long-term parking is defined as parking in a single common area parking space for seven (7) consecutive days (City ordinance).
· Parking in Fire Lanes is prohibited.
· Vehicles parked in private driveways may not extend over the sidewalk and will be subject to $25.00 fine being assessed
No air conditioner units are allowed to be placed in the windows of the units if HVAC AC system is not installed in the unit.
Residents are reminded that it is their responsibility to maintain the interior of their backyards. Grass will be cut on a regular basis (every Tuesday – unless notified for the winter months) by the HOA’s contracted landscape company and yards should be kept neat in appearance at all times. If the resident has dogs or cats, all waste is to be picked up prior to landscapers coming in to mow, otherwise landscapers are not required to mow/edge or fertilize the backyard. If gates are locked in the backyard during mow day, residents will have to wait until the next scheduled mow date.
Please be mindful of water run-off and flooding of common areas when watering in private rear yards or front yards.
Front Yard Watering (during spring/summer season).
It is the responsibility of each resident to water their front yard areas, trees and mulch beds. The dry, hot periods we experience each summer can have a devastating effect on our landscaping, including the trees and shrubs in the common areas. Tree replacement in the common areas can have a significant impact on our HOA’s budget. We encourage residents to adopt a tree by watering those trees close to their homes throughout the summer months. It is the responsibility of the resident (Owner if unit is leased) to turn on their sprinkler systems by May 1st and turn them off by November 1st. Any breakage or malfunction of sprinkler systems (either due to landscaping/mowing/trees/or other failure), is the responsibility of the Owner to repair at their cost. This includes the irrigation system that is in the beds/lawn where the street trees are installed. Residents who do not water front yard lawns and turn brown and die, will be assessed a $50 fine and the cost to repair the lawn.
Trash Receptacles
The City of Vancouver’s Trash Collection for our community occurs on Monday mornings. Trash should not be put out for pick-up until the evening before (Sunday night or early Monday morning) and trash cans should be stored by the evening after the pick-up (Monday night). Not doing so is considered a violation of the Westfield Place CC&Rs and will result in Owners being assessed a $25.00 fine.
Residents are reminded that trash cans are NOT permitted to be stored in front of homes or in the common areas. To avoid being assessed a fine, please place all trash receptacles in your garage.
For additional information regarding the City’s Trash Collection please visit the City’s website City of Vancouver garbage and recycling visit our Westfield Place website at www.westfieldplace.com for relevant links.
We are an urban neighborhood and as such traffic in and out of our community can be fast-paced so we encourage parents to keep a watchful eye on children who are riding bikes, skateboards, motorized vehicles, etc. throughout our community. Additionally, if motorized vehicles are being used, please be sure that the proper headgear (helmets) are being utilized for the safety of your children. Our first concern is the safety of our residents.
Again, welcome to Westfield Place and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Westfield Place HOA by emailing the HOA at westfieldplacehomeowners@gmail.com.
Westfield Place HOA